“Private” properties are more simply / commonly designated by sticking an _ in 
front of the name.

class Node:

def __init__(self,a)
    self._a = a

I recommend you read https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html.

That’s not to say properties don’t have their uses, but making things “private” 
isn’t a major one.

Gerard Weatherby | Application Architect NMRbox | NAN | Department of Molecular 
Biology and Biophysics
 UConn Health 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-6406 uchc.edu
On Jul 25, 2022, 10:36 AM -0400, Khairil Sitanggang <ksi...@gmail.com>, wrote:
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Thank you everyone. The specific requirements for that class:

*(1)* Provide the values of the "input" (via constructors).
*I think everyone agrees with the way it is implemented in the
example. *

*(2)* Provide other products such as *b* that can be of any type (array,
object, etc.). It is like an "output" if you will.
*I think everyone suggests that it should be designed such that people
should not be able (inadvertently) to change the value from outside the
class. I agree, as a matter of fact this is my intent as well.*

*(3)* About the function calc(), my intent is NOT to expose it outside the
class: it is "private".
*And I see the way to do that from your suggestions. *

Based on all your valuable suggestions, I should be able to accomplish the
3 goals.

By the way, I am writing this code for finite element analysis (FEA):
number crunching. Even though the final goal is to get the correct results,
I still want to write it following the correct python "grammar" and style.

Best regards,

On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 3:54 AM Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:

On 25/07/2022 02:47, Khairil Sitanggang wrote:
Regarding your comment : "
*However, usually object creation and initialization iscombined by
arguments to the initializer:*" , so which one of the two classes Node1,
Node2 below is more common in practice? Option 2, I guess.

# option 1:
class Node1:
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
self.b = self.calculation()

def calculation(self):
r = self.a + 10
return r

# option 2:
class Node2:
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b

self.b = self.calculation()

def calculation(self):
r = self.a + 10
return r

nd1 = Node1(10)
nd2 = Node2(10, 0) # 0 is dummy, will be overwritten by the call to

An attribute that can be calculated from other attributes should never
be modified through other means. Some day you may want b to become
something else, write, for example,

node = Node2(10, "twenty")

and because by then you have forgotten about the calculation() call end
up with a buggy script. But manually invoking the calculation() method
is also bug prone. You have to remember to repeat it every time you
change a:

node = Node1(10)
assert node.b == 20 # OK

node.a = 20
assert node.b == 30 # fails, a and b are out of sync.

The solution Python has to offer is called "property". Properties in
their simplest form are calculated read-only attributes, i. e. when you


under the hood node.a + 10 is calculated. Here's how to change Node1 to
turn b into such a property:

class Node3a:
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def calculation(self):
return self.a + 10
b = property(calculation)

node = Node3a(42)
print(node.b) # 52

node.a = 1
print(node.b) # 11

Often you are not interested in exposing both the calculation() method
and the property. For cases when you only want to access the property
Python provides a way to define the property with a "decorator":

class Node3b:
def __init__(self, a):
self.a = a
def b(self):
return self.a + 10

When you compare the two classes you can see that I

(1) renamed calculation() to b() and

(2) replaced

def b(self): ...
b = property(b)


def b(self): ...

thus avoiding the repetitons of the name.

Are there any disadvantages to properties?

What I presented as an advantage, that the value of the attribute is
recalculated every time the attribute is accessed, may sometimes become
a disadvantage, e. g. when it takes a very long time to calculate. In
most cases that should not be a problem, though.


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