On Thu, 14 Jul 2022 17:20:55 -0400, <avi.e.gr...@gmail.com> declaimed the

>I see Nati sent some more code without explaining again what he wants. Yes, 
>somewhere in this stack of messages he may have said things (that we generally 
>failed to understand) but it would be helpful to summarize WHY he sent us what 
>he did or which lines to look at.

        And that code seems to be doing a lot of repetitive/unneeded
operations... Nothing from 

                from nilearn import ...
                masker = ...

appears to depend upon the file name "nii" in the loop and should be
refactored to the top-level. The try/except block for sklearn looks like
another candidate to be pulled out of the file loop.

> If your suggestion is right, he may not understand dictionaries as a hashed 
> data structure where you can access a.items() or a.keys() or a.values() if 
> you want a list of sorts of the parts, or a[key] if you want a particular 
> part.

        So far as I can tell, the OP only references ONE key in the dictionary,
but apparently expects that key to have multiple values. Yet there doesn't
seem to be a structure /holding/ multiple values -- unless


is, itself, returning a dictionary on which .values() can be applied. In
that case, the list() call is likely redundant as .values() already
returned a list (hmmm, is list(some_list) a no-op, or does it wrap
some_list into another list -- in the latter case, the indexing will fail
as there is only one element to access)

>    for i in estimator.covariance_:
>        r=list(a["Difumo_names"].values())[jsa]
>        jsa=jsa+1
>        a=dict()

        And there is the biggest fault... The OP is completely obliterating the
"a" dictionary, so subsequent passes in that loop have nothing to look up.

        "aas" gets initialized as a dictionary using {}, and never gets any
key:value pairs assigned to it, yet there is a print(aas) in the code.

        And that is as far as I can guess -- given the lack of example input
data, example /desired/ output... etc. There are too many apparent errors
in that code sample to even attempt to think what a result could be.

        Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
        wlfr...@ix.netcom.com    http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

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