The topic of looping and our current discussion stimulates me to ask if someone has categorized the uses of loops and it seems something obvious. Once you know what kinds of loopy looping there are, it can get easier to decide which, if any, of the methods to set up a loop make more sense.
Computer languages differ in all kinds of ways including more subtle ideas of when a variable is within view or not and that can impact looping methods. Years ago, in many languages, loops were used simply to COPY something stored in some array-like format. Languages like C might have a character string stored in a null-terminated array and the accepted way to copy it might be to use pointers called p (the source) and q(the destination) in weird and compact code like: while (*q++ = *p++); Now Python does not have some of those operators but copying strings is fairly trivial with no visible loops but copying some objects (I mean a new and even deep copy) can use loops, albeit for many objects, there is a copy functionality available to do it quietly. If you only want a subset of the values to be taken into a copy, many languages have a subletting method like var[1:5] and often you have functions like map/reduce you can pass things to that return an arbitrary subset based on applying a function. Python has thus quite a few ways to hide any loops involved in copying so you will often not see a WHILE or FOR in sight. For simple (and even sometimes more complex) scenarios, comprehensions of many types can be used in in-line situations. Generators can supply what can amount to a sort of deferred and thus distributed loop that is run interspersed with other things happening. One reason many applications bring in add-on modules like numpy and pandas is because they partially fill some gaps and make many vectorized operations easy. Any operation that works simultaneously on every member in a way that has no conflict with calculations on other members is an example. If I have two vector like objects such as A and B, then being able to write 3*A means modifying all the elements of A to be triple what they were and it does not necessarily need to happen in any order or even be all done by the same process. If A and B are the same length (or logically adjusted to be) then A+B is similarly a vector operation. Quite a few such things are done routinely with no loops visible in the code that once littered my C code. Languages like R (and the original S) were built from the ground up so everything starts with a vector and even a singleton variable is merely a vector of length 1. Many programs simply do not need loops as it is done for you. I have mentioned ways to use objects in Python as a way to hide loops. Of course that implies an object may use methods that contain small loops, such as to search and internal list to see if something is already being held, or to find the end and append another and so on. But you main program may thus often be written without such looks. Functional programming techniques, again, can be used to say apply a function to every item in a list and collect the results in another list or scalar. You will not see a WHILE or a FOR but a loop happens. I have sometimes written a program and then after it was working, took another look and redesigned it in ways that often shorten it substantially and even speed it up. I admit people reading the code often have no clue what it does. So especially for teaching Computer Science, many loops remain a good place to start. My guess is that if, like me, you often avoid using loops in trivial cases, you may end up using them in cases that are more complex. You may end up with mainly cases where you end up having to BREAK or CONTINUE or RETURN from within a loop, perhaps with multiple exit points. Some of those cases may well be much more difficult using the hidden loops. So I was not in any way being negative with Peter about his admittedly restricted sample of coding practices, or of others who searched a body of code by many authors. I am saying that people who write code can evolve and not go back and change older code. I once inherited code that had nested loops about 9 units deep. Something like for in in ... for j in ... for k in ... It was a tad more complex, of course as it tested all variations of categorical variables. There were additional loops in selected places within there, as well. It ran slowly in interpreted form. What I ended up doing was generating a data structure (a data.frame) that contained all combinations and handed that to a function called pmap that did one row at a time by setting variables. The problem became way more tractable and quite a bit faster. And, in this case, I suspect it may have been more readable without getting lost in all the nesting. But not all languages and problems are amenable to some approaches, and some play games with how variables are kept and used. Python has some nice features that allow a single loop to replace more complex arrangements by say allowing multiple variables to be instantiated each time around so something like my deeply nested version can be run in a straightforward way. I suspect in many cases, a little though of what to feed a loop might be a great way to simplify the innards of the loop and minimize some of the concerns about multiple exit methods and so on. But you can add bells and whistles like the ELSE clause but not get many to actually use it as there are more standard ways to do that without confusion, especially if it is confusing to some. -----Original Message----- From: Python-list <> On Behalf Of Peter J. Holzer Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2021 5:44 AM To: Subject: Re: Friday Finking: Contorted loops On 2021-09-11 21:38:02 -0400, Avi Gross via Python-list wrote: > Peter, in your own personal finite sample, I am wondering what you > might do TODAY if you looked at your loops again and considered > redoing them for an assortment of reasons ranging from using the code > for teaching to efficiency to just fitting your mood better? > > I have seen seasoned authors go back to their early work and groan. Yeah, I do that. (Un)fortunately I also have other people's code to groan about so I won't despair too much about the stupidity of my younger self. > My guess is that many of us (meaning myself included) often approach a > problem and go with the first thing that comes to mind. If it fits > well enough, we move on to the next thing we can do. If not, we may > step back and evaluate multiple additional options and try another tack. > > I have seen not of sort-of redundant code because someone did not plan > ahead and realize something very similar might be needed later and > thus did not make a general function they could re-use. Occasionally > they may later go back and re-do but often, not so much and just keep > copying lines and making minor modifications. Same general idea. That certainly happens. I am a bit overly conservative and try to get away with minimal code changes even if a complete reimplementation of that unit would be clearly better. Especially if it's someone else's code and there are no unit tests. But also for my own code. (As an aside, I notice the same tendency when changing text: Altering an existing paragraph is hard, especially if someone else wrote it. Also, while I think I can express myself quite clearly in both German and English, I'm rarely satisfied when I try to translate between those languages. I always stick too close to the original). > And perhaps worse, you may write a loop and later have to keep adding > code to deal with new requirements and special cases and rather than > pause and analyze and perhaps start again with a cleaner or more > easily extendable solution, just keep grafting on things to make the darn current code work. > Code that has many ways to exit a loop is often an example of this > happening. That too. Those little C utilities I mentioned are probably a bad example because they are so small and had little reason to evolve. But I do have Perl scripts which I originally wrote 20 years ago and which are still in use and have been adapted to changing business requirements again and again in that time. Those do contain some gnarly code. > So if you looked at your own code now, in the context of the rest of > your code, would you change things? Almost certainly. Especially in C I would probably be more cautious about undefined behaviour now and for different reasons. Back in the 90's I mostly worried about portability: That code could one day run on a 36-bit ones-complement machine with 9-bit chars. These I days I worry more about overly aggressive optimizations: That pointer is accessed here so it can't be null, so it can't be null here either so that check can be optimized away. I started using Python only 7 years ago, when I had already been using Perl for almost 20 and C for over 25 years. So my older Python code probably looks a bit "perly". So they use dicts and map and filter but not list comprehensions for example. Also some of that code was partially inherited from other Python programmers who adhered to the "a real programmer can write Fortran in any language" mindset. > So when counting the various kinds, are you looking for direct or > indirect methods too like map/reduce or vectorized operations? No, because that wasn't the question I was trying to answer. The question was "do people use do/while loops frequently in languages which provide them"? I chose C (mostly because it is easier to get useful numbers with tools like grep and wc than with Perl) and therefore only the types of loops available in C. (Methodically the main flaw in my approach is that I only looked at a single language and a single person and only a tinly sample from that person. To really answer that question you would have to look at a sizable sample from Github or something like that). hp -- _ | Peter J. Holzer | Story must make more sense than reality. |_|_) | | | | | | -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing __/ | | challenge!" --