On Wed, 16 Jun 2021, Alan Gauld via Python-list wrote:

But there is nothing I know of for Tkinter that provides views of database
tables in the way that Delphi or VB or C# do, for example.


These are all Microsoft tools. I run linux only.

You have to extract the data using SQL and populate the table and manage
all changes (of both view and data) yourself.

From an incomplete reading of the tksheet() doc it looks to be the best way
to display tables returned by a SQL query. PyQt5 has a QTableView() that
does the job, and it works great for a single table, but apparently not so
well with complex joins on multiple tables.

When I view my contacts table it needs to includes attributes from the
company, people, and contacts tables so I can view all prior contacts with
that person.

If you do a lot of that kind of desktop apps then you could look at Dabo
which is built on wxPython but has links to databases. Unfortunately it
looks like work ground to a halt about 5 years ago.

Many years ago I used wxPython. For several reasons I decided to learn and
use tkinter from now one. One reason is that the application for my clients
will run mostly on windows hosts and I want to limit the software they need
to install and maintain in order to run it.



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