On 16/06/2021 21:45, Rich Shepard wrote:

> The two applications I'm building are both database applications. If
> tksheet() is not the most appropriate widget to display database tables what
> alternative would be better?
I've not used tksheet but it sounds like it might be worth investigating.

There is a grid in Tix but its quite hard to use and Tix is now
deprecated. It was also a bit unreliable when used from
Python (that's euphemistic for "I couldn't get it to work!" :-)

But there is nothing I know of for Tkinter that provides views
of database tables in the way that Delphi or VB or C# do, for
example. You have to extract the data using SQL and populate
the table and manage all changes (of both view and data) yourself.

A good grid component would be a huge boon for tkinter, its one
of the most commonly used widgets in VB/Delphi etc

A DB-API linked grid would be the height of luxury...

If you do a lot of that kind of desktop apps then you could
look at Dabo which is built on wxPython but has links to databases.
Unfortunately it looks like work ground to a halt about 5 years ago.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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