On 18/05/2021 08.23, Jon Ribbens wrote:
On 2021-05-18, Michael F. Stemper <mstem...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 17/05/2021 18.48, Terry Reedy wrote:

There are multiple packages.  There is no consensus on which to pick,
*if any*. Existing modules apparently include writers, which are
necessarily opinionated (as is formatting of C, Python, html, ...).  As
I just noted in the discussion, the stdlib does not have an html writer.

If I'm parsing this correctly, python supports something called a
"writer", which does not mean "somebody who writes python".

You are not parsing it correctly. Terry means that at least some
existing TOML modules for Python include facilities for outputting
("writing") TOML as well as reading it, and this makes choosing
between those modules more controversial as there are more subjective
opinions involved in the implementation of writing TOML as opposed to
only reading it.

Okay, thanks.

Michael F. Stemper
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