On 2021-05-15, Jason C. McDonald <codemous...@outlook.com> wrote: > During the Steering Committee presentation at PyCon, it was mentioned > that no one has formally proposed TOML be added to the standard library > (emphasis on formal). THe joke went forth that there would be a flood > of proposals to that end. > > So, just to kick this off while the thought is still fresh in a bunch of > people's minds: **should we add a TOML parser to the standard library**? > > The main reason this matters is to help encourage adoption of the now > PEP-standardized pyproject.toml. A few projects have cited the lack of > a standardized TOML implementation in the standard library as a reason > not to adopt pyproject.toml...and the topic thus became weirdly > political. > > I understand that Brett Cannon intends to bring this up at the next > language summit, but, ah, might as well put the community two-cents in > now, hey? > > I, for one, feel like this is obvious.
How about replacing pyproject.toml with pyproject.json, problem solved. It's fairly hilarious that PEP 518 even provides a JSON schema specifying the file format, but then doesn't use JSON and instead selects a file format that doesn't even have a built-in Python parser. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list