Il 23/03/2021 10:23, Paul Edwards ha scritto:
Hello. I have a new operating system called PDOS
which works on both PC and mainframe, which
can be found here:

I know nothing about Python, my focus is on C90,
but I wish to run this mainframe assembler, asma,
which was written in Python, not C:

It needs Python 3.3 as a minimum, so I wish to port
that version, first to the PC version of PDOS, then to
the mainframe version.

I don't wish to run configure, I want to hand-construct
the makefile. PDOS is a very simple system, so I only
want to produce a single executable, no DLLs etc. I
don't need extensions to work or anything, all I need
to be able to do is run asma.

I've started constructing a makefile (see below), which
I execute with pdmake, included in PDOS. I only have
a C90 runtime library, no more, no less, so I don't know
whether Python will actually build in my environment,
but so far things have been building successfully.

However I'm currently stuck on this unresolved

python.a(abstract.o)(.text+0x668c):abstract.c: undefined reference to 

What source file is meant to define that variable
(PyExc_StopIteration) as opposed to just declaring
it or using it? I tried looking at the OS/2 EMX for
hints, but wasn't able to figure it out.

Note that I am building a Win32 executable to start
with, but it is linking against my own C90 library
which will call either Microsoft's MSVCRT.DLL on
Windows, or my own MSVCRT.DLL when running
on PDOS/386 (aka PD-Windows).

I also don't know whether Python will survive being
transferred to an EBCDIC environment, as that is
where it will ultimately need to be compiled and
linked (MVS/380), or at least assembled, before it
can wind up on PDOS/3X0. Well, maybe it can all
be done on Windows. I need to see what asma
is capable of.

Thanks. Paul.

# Produce Windows executables
# links with PDPCLIB created by makefile.msv

COPTS=-S $(CFLAGS) -fno-common -ansi -I. -I../Include -I../../pdos/pdpclib 

all: clean python.exe

python.exe: python.o ../Python/strdup.o ../Objects/object.o 
../Objects/abstract.o \
     ../Python/errors.o ../Objects/bytesobject.o
   rm -f python.a
   ar r python.a ../Python/strdup.o ../Objects/object.o ../Objects/abstract.o
   ar r python.a ../Python/errors.o ../Objects/bytesobject.o
   $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o python.exe ../../pdos/pdpclib/w32start.o python.o 
python.a ../../pdos/pdpclib/msvcrt.a ../../pdos/src/kernel32.a
   $(STRIP) python.exe

   $(CC) $(COPTS) -o $*.s $<
   $(AS) -o $@ $*.s
   rm -f $*.s

   rm -f *.o python.exe

one thing is not clear to me, do you absolutely need to use "asma"?

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