Jon Ribbens <> writes:

> On 2021-03-30, Loris Bennett <> wrote:
>> If I have dict of dicts, say
>>   dod = {
>>       "alice":
>>       {
>>           "lang": "python",
>>           "level": "expert"
>>       },
>>       "bob":
>>       {
>>           "lang": "perl",
>>           "level": "noob"
>>       }
>>   }
>> is there a canonical, or more pythonic, way of converting the outer key
>> to a value to get a list of dicts, e.g
>>   lod = [
>>       {
>>           "name": "alice",
>>           "lang": "python",
>>           "level": "expert"
>>       },
>>       {
>>           "name": "bob",
>>           "lang": "perl",
>>           "level": "noob"
>>       }
>>   ]
>> than just
>>   lod = []
>>   for name in dod:
>>       d = dod[name]
>>       d["name"] = name
>>       lod.append(d)
>> ?
> There can't be a "canonical" way to perform the arbitrary data
> conversion you want, because it's arbitrary. Personally I would
> do this:
>   [dict(data, name=name) for name, data in dod.items()]
> but it's of course arguable whether this is "more Pythonic" or
> indeed "better".

As I am stuck with Python 3.6 I'll go with this.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "arbitrary".  I meant "canonical" in
the sense of "standard" or "established", which it seems to me could
apply to a fairly generic conversion such as DoD -> LoD as described

Thanks to you and the other for the help.



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