Hi Chris,

thank you for your interest and thanks for asking.

Blythooon is notable due to several reasons; let's compare it with some of the already listed (and thus obviously notable) 'distributions':

1) pythonxy seems not to be maintained anymore - the last version I found is from 2015.

Blythooon is still maintained and the last version is from February 2021.

2) winpython seems not to support Python 2.7.* anymore.

Blythooon supports Python 2.7.18.

3) When using Anaconda Python you might not only have to respect the anaconda/miniconda licenses but also the terms of service of the belonging website. For commercial uses that might pose some problems. If you have a peek into the text:


You may find statements alike "we are not granting you permission to use the Repository for commercial activities" or "Your use of the Repository is at the sole discretion of Anaconda, which may deny you further use of the Repository or terminate this license at any time, for any reason, with or without cause." there... Companies tend to have problems with this :)

Blythooon is a netinstaller which downloads from python.org and pypi.org. No comparable limitations are known to me for these sources.

4) Blythooon is not a distribution in the original sense; it is a netinstaller, which is able to download, (md5-)check and install a 'snapshot' of packages/versions:

   - Python 2.7.18
   - Virtualenv 20.2.2
   - PySide 1.2.2
   - NumPy 1.16.6
   - PyQtGraph 0.10.0
   - Matplotlib 2.2.5
   - SciPy 1.1.0
   - PySerial 3.5
   - Pyadaaah 0.90

and some further packages supporting said ones. This compilation has been carefully assembled to allow the development of advanced, production quality, scientific, Python 2.7 applications with Qt 4.8 based GUIs and the ability to display nice (live) plots (via PyQtGraph and/or Matplotlib). Blythooon obviously comes with some mathematical stuff alike NumPy or SciPy too.

Said versions work together well. The developer does not need to find out, which versions work together well. Because that is not easy. Try e.g. PyQtGraph 0.11.* with PySide 1.2.* - you might be disappointed then, as well as if you would be trying PyQtGraph 0.10.* with PySide 1.2.4.

All Blythooon installations, if not manually modified, are 100% compatible, as I said, it is more a 'snapshot' then a permanently self-updating distribution... Blythooon does not focus on up-to-dateness but on proven stability and compatibility. But, as Blythooon sets up a Python Runtime Environment just based on PIP, the developer naturally can tailor his installation further (e.g. by installing further packages or upgrading the existing).

Blythooon is a (nearly fully) automatic netinstaller for Windows 10 only (at least yet, depending on the feedback, porting to Linux / macOS could be done easily - the netinstaller is based on the platform independent powershell).

I hope, some aspects are notable enough...

Best Regards

On 2021-03-26 17:33, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sat, Mar 27, 2021 at 3:31 AM <pyt...@blackward.eu> wrote:

Howdy Folks,

I would like to suggest adding "Blythooon" to the list under "Other
parties have re-packaged CPython" listed here:

What makes it notable?


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