bruno modulix wrote:
> D H wrote:
> (snip)
>>Go with Rails.  Django is only like a month old.  
> Please take time to read the project's page. Django has in fact three
> years of existence and is already used on production websites, so it's
> far from pre-alpha/planning stage.

Don't make any assumptions about what I have and haven't read.  Django 
was only publicly released in mid-July.  Less than two months ago.
I never implied it was "pre-alpha" or in a "planning" stage.
The Ruby framework is also more mature and much much more tested than 
Django.  But even then I am not stating one is inherently better than 
the other.  Both seem very well designed.  But if you have no clue about 
either project like the original poster, then I'd recommend Rails, 
unless you are already comfortable with Python (and not used to Ruby), 
which case go with Django.

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