D H wrote:
> bruno modulix wrote:
>> D H wrote:
>> (snip)
>>> Go with Rails.  Django is only like a month old.  
>> Please take time to read the project's page. Django has in fact three
>> years of existence and is already used on production websites, so it's
>> far from pre-alpha/planning stage.
> Don't make any assumptions about what I have and haven't read.

Don't make the assumption that the advice to read the project's page was
 directed to you only !-)

>  Django
> was only publicly released in mid-July.  Less than two months ago.
> I never implied it was "pre-alpha" or in a "planning" stage.

That what I understood from your post, and I guess most readers would
understand it that way.

Now the fact that Django, while being young as a publicly realeased
project, has in fact 3 years of existence *on production websites* is
IMHO worth mentioning, so peoples who haven't read the project's page
yet don't make the assumption that it must be too young to be usable in
production. The "take time to read..." advice was directed to these
people as well !-)

bruno desthuilliers
ruby -e "print '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@').collect{|p|
p.split('.').collect{|w| w.reverse}.join('.')}.join('@')"

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