On 4/4/20 9:08 AM, anson freer wrote: > Thanks, I'll check them out. > tutor sent "The reason it is being held: > > Post by non-member to a members-only list". > > could I be on both lists? I did unsubscribe
Yes you can subscribe to both lists of course. But you have to subscribe to each list individually. Always be sure to post to a list from the same email address that you signed up. > I am trying learn how to use a PDF text editor Okay, but what is your goal and purpose? What problem are you trying to solve. If you just want to edit a PDF file, I can think of far easier methods than using any Python module. For example LibreOffice can import and edit PDFs using the Draw component. If you want to parse data from a PDF then one of the modules you mention below could work. > The info I have states I need: > > pdfminer PyPI python3 only > > PDFParser > > PDFDocument > > PDFPageInterpreter > > PDFDevice > > They all look the same They may all do similar things with PDFs. Which one is appropriate for your use depends on your needs, which still are not clear. I also repeat my earlier suggestion that before you can use any of these modules, you must learn Python first, at least to the degree where you are comfortable creating code in Python to manipulate variables, if statements, functions, etc. -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list