Python is not a platform your platform is the os. Choose the newer PDF reader it often comprises more features than older ones (might be a bit unstable though). There are lots of books and free online tutorials to learn python. Check them out first. If you have problem with English you can use your native language. We would still help. Don't try to bite more than you can chew.
Souvik flutter dev On Sat, Apr 4, 2020, 2:26 AM anson freer <> wrote: > This forum mentioned the Tutor forum so I signed up > I waited a day or 2 heard nothing so I sent msg > got Post by non-member to a members-only list > replied to apologized and > received auto msg > part of which gave do's and don't's of forum > then I realized I asked a really lame question > Might take years for a answer > When all fails YOUTUBE > A youtube 3part vidio said I need a > PDFParser= pdfminer or pdf 2020 4.1 > PDFDocument=a text file like notes??? > PDFPageInterpreter= no reslts > PDFDevice+?????? > Then > I found Pycon 2018! > Looked at the 30min+ forums and understood 0 > then little by little learned about REGEX and test and Asychronous > So.. > I needed a PDF text reader > found > Python Software Foundation [US] > then there is Search Projects > I typed pdf and many pop up > pdf 2020.4.1 = > Python library for parsing PDFs > I can find anything PDF > It seems like Pdf is a mother with many children all with different fathers > But no kid knows or talk to each other > There are questions > Do I make new DIR just for python and its results? > Does the dnload go in my programs like 3.8.2 does > warning on Python Software Foundation > "Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, > learn more about installing packages." > Is my platform python? > pdf 2020 4.1 is newer than pdfminer > which one? > Best practices for python? short ver > The journey > All forums want to help > I did horse handicapping and Access fourms > At first a few gave all the VBA code I needed 40+years ago > Then I was reminded I needed to do the work > Then I got questions and understood what those kind coders meant > AND YET I ASKED A LAME QUESTION! > thank you for being patient > -- > > --