We've had some questions as to whether this survey is legitimate. I can confirm it is (speaking as a pip core developer). The link to a page describing this work is https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2019/12/moss-czi-support-pip.html, if anyone wants to find out more.
Paul Moore On Sat, 7 Mar 2020 at 01:49, Bernard Tyers - Sane UX Design <bernard+w...@ei8fdb.org> wrote: > > Hi there, > > My name is Bernard Tyers. I'm a UX designer and have recently started > working on the PSF project to improve the usability of pip, funded by > MOSS/CZI. > > I want to let you know about the pip UX Studies we've started today, and > encourage you to sign-up and take part. > > The pip Team is looking for Python users who use pip to take part in our > UX Studies. Your input will have a direct impact on improving pip. > > We want to speak with as diverse a group as possible. We'd particularly > like to speak with people with accessibility needs. > > You _don't_ have to be a Python expert to take part - I can't stress > this enough! > > You can find out all the details you'll need and find the sign-up link > on this blogpost: > > http://www.ei8fdb.org/thoughts/2020/03/pip-ux-study-recruitment/ > > If you do have questions I've not answered there, let me know. > > We'd also appreciate some signal boosting to reach as wide an audience > as possible. Please share the blog post with people in different Python > using communities. > > If you're a Twitter/Mastodon user we'd appreciate a signal boost of > these also: > > https://twitter.com/bernardtyers/status/1236039617222230017 > https://social.ei8fdb.org/@bernard/103778645553767728 > > > Thank you for your attention! > > Best wishes, > > Bernard > -- > > Bernard Tyers, User research & Interaction Design > > T: @bernardtyers > M: @bern...@social.ei8fdb.org > PGP Key: keybase.io/ei8fdb > > > I work on User-Centred Design, Open Source Software and Privacy. > -- > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list