Hi there,

My name is Bernard Tyers. I'm a UX designer and have recently started
working on the PSF project to improve the usability of pip, funded by

I want to let you know about the pip UX Studies we've started today, and
encourage you to sign-up and take part.

The pip Team is looking for Python users who use pip to take part in our
UX Studies. Your input will have a direct impact on improving pip.

We want to speak with as diverse a group as possible. We'd particularly
like to speak with people with accessibility needs.

You _don't_ have to be a Python expert to take part - I can't stress
this enough!

You can find out all the details you'll need and find the sign-up link
on this blogpost:


If you do have questions I've not answered there, let me know.

We'd also appreciate some signal boosting to reach as wide an audience
as possible. Please share the blog post with people in different Python
using communities.

If you're a Twitter/Mastodon user we'd appreciate a signal boost of
these also:


Thank you for your attention!

Best wishes,


Bernard Tyers, User research & Interaction Design

T: @bernardtyers
M: @bern...@social.ei8fdb.org
PGP Key: keybase.io/ei8fdb

I work on User-Centred Design, Open Source Software and Privacy.

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