Thank you Marco for at least taking the time to read my message even if you do 
not agree with me on things. And no disrespect to you. But I came here for 
python related questions and help. Not to be called suspicious and 
untrustworthy only because I am concerned about security of users and for being 
a advocate of privacy. Then to call for me to be censored is just ludicrous.

> People of Python List, I strongly discourage you to support this user.
> He is quite suspicious for the following reasons:
> 1. he go so far as he offers money for, IMHO, a trivial task

I said I am a python noob. This is why I asked for help. And I see no issue in 
offering payment for a programming task.

> 2. he does not trust binaries from pip.

What is the point of open source if you cannot compile from source code?

> code. A lack of trust in open source projects that is quite unusual
> 3. I don't trust any cryptocurrency.

Not unusual. People use open source because they dont trust closed source. 
Binaries that someone else compiled is not open source.

> I believe in privacy,  but not in financial privacy. Yes,
> cryptocurrencies can be useful for circumvent bans from tyrannic
> states. But they can, and _are_ used, primarily to:
>  - wash dirty money, by criminals and mafias
>  - evade taxes
>  - buy highly unethical "products", like weapons... and who know what
> other
>  - finance tyrannies.

Roads and cars are used by drug dealers. Stop using roads and cars. Cash is 
used by criminals. Stop using cash. Internet is used by child abusers. Stop 
supporting the internet. I am offended that you group me with criminals and 
baddies because I support technological privacy.

> I do _not_ think that all people that uses cryptocurrencies are
> criminals. I had, for example, some co-workers that invested in
> BitCoins, only for profit.
> But I do not trust this man, and I hope no one will offer support to
> him. By my side, I'll report this discussion to moderators.

That is fine if you dont like something. You dont have to help me out if you 
dont want to. But trying to censor me is unethical. Hopefully other people will 
have the logic to make decisions for themselves and give me help on python if 
they choose to do so.

I hope my reply does not get censored. I am being reasonable here. And if you 
are wondering why I am "paranoid", you would be too if you are dealing with a 
server that might host a hot wallet. I dont want my server getting hacked just 
because I was too lazy to compile my own code. And it is not uncommon for 
binaries of open source projects to be injected with malware.

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