On 22/07/19 9:40 PM, Thomas Jollans wrote:
On 22/07/2019 07.06, DL Neil wrote:

Current thoughts:

     import environment_module as em

- so, even more of an abbreviation than suggested!?
- I rarely need to write a long list of import statements, so there
won't be many.
- not normally using such abbreviations in my code, they will stand-out.
- considered using upper-case, eg "EM" - it is a form of constant

Just FYI, in the scientific Python community certain short abbreviations
are the norm. Many modules have a ‘standard’ abbreviation that most
people use, minimizing confusion.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

and so on.

As long as you're consistent and use the same abbreviation across your
entire codebase, and you put the imports at the top where people can
find them, I think using 2–4 letter abbreviations, even without any
decoration, is a fine approach.

Thanks for this.

Wow, but my little/personal utilities are far from such 'exalted' company!

The important provision is that 'everyone' (affected) understands. As long as we all come from the same subject-domain, eg statisticians, then there's no problem with 'breaking the rules' because such abbreviations are easily-understood 'symbols', by definition.

After all, PEP-8 does say: "names ... [should] reflect usage"!

However, I'd never concede that to a group of 'commerce' trainees, for example!

The use of meaningful names is a minimum professional standard (IMHO), and in my experience, a virtue that pays for itself. I am ever-so grateful that most modern text-editors will guess/read-my-mind and save the typing!

Regards =dn

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