On 2019-07-21 12:02:27 +1200, DL Neil wrote:
> What do you do to (respecting purism) ensure 'everything' (necessary) is
> imported (and nothing more), preferably without relying upon (faulty, in my
> case) human-memory or reading through volumes of code/documentation?

I write tests (not as consistently as I would like).

I don't think there is much more you can do. The problem is that Python
doesn't have variable declarations, so there is no reliable way to
discover an undefined symbol except by executing the line where it is

An IDE might help. Even though the problem is in general not solvable,
most uses of symbols fall into a few common categories which can be
discovered by static analysis. So an IDE (or even a syntax-highlighting
editor) could flag all symbols where it can't find the definition.


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