On 2019-04-01, Roel Schroeven <r...@roelschroeven.net> wrote:
> This is what 'while' is made for:
> def text():
>      while True:
>          mess = input("> ")
>          s.send(bytes("PRIVMSG " + " "+ channel + " " +  mess  + "\n", 
> "UTF-8"))

 see it working thanks, indeed while is powerful, had to add colon to be able 
send a whole string but can
 get it working with other loop while 1, I tried many ways to implement
 it together but either I cant send or receive and print data from
 someone sending datas to channel.

def text():
    while True:
        mess = input("> ")
        s.send(bytes("PRIVMSG " + " "+ channel + " " + ":" + mess  + "\n", 


while 1:
    data = s.recv(4096).decode('utf-8')
    if data.find('PING') != -1:
        s.send(str('PONG ' + data.split(':')[1] + '\r\n').encode())
        print('PONG sent \n')


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