On 2019-04-01, John Doe <j...@johniedoe.com> wrote:
> I'm learning SOCKETS and working with Irc.
>  -----------------------
>  s.send(bytes("PRIVMSG " + channel +" "+ message + "\n", "UTF-8"))
>  ----------------------------------------
>  When more than one word ( for example: This is a message) 
>  in *message* it sends the FIRST word only "This" and skips the rest.
>  Any ideas how to solve the problem? I was seating on it on the night
>  but nothing came up.

Your problem isn't with Python (although as others have mentioned you
should be using .sendall not .send) but with the IRC protocol - you
need to prefix the message with a ':'. Also technically you should
be using '\r\n' not '\n' at the end but I should imagine most servers
don't care.

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