
On 11/01/19 10:06 AM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 8:01 AM DL Neil <> wrote:
PS the smart reply: who do you think coded the Alt-Tab window-switching
or, whose shoulders' do you young, whipper-snappers think you're
standing on? (and, "please get down, and go and wash your feet")

Hold on hold on. "Window-switching mechanism"? That implies that you
have windows to switch between. First, we have to have the concept of
multiple programs running at once. Then the concept of each of those
programs having its own isolated display, which you can then switch

Before Windows or windows per-se, we had switching between Foreground and Background - but using those terms today encourages people to start raving about Themes and color choices...

I had people 'on the hook' for quite a while talking about WIMPs. They thought I was into some long-winded, shaggy-dog style of joke. They had no concept that what they think of as MS-Windows, or indeed Linux windows managers; actually consists of a number of inter-related concepts...

But yeah, "whose shoulders are you standing on" is the right way to
look at it. Also: "are you offering YOUR shoulders to the next


(and no, in our 'get it done yesterday' environment I see plenty of collaboration but little meaningful 'training' or investment beyond 'the job')

Regards =dn

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