On 8/01/19 4:59 PM, rbowman wrote:> On 01/07/2019 02:10 PM, DL Neil wrote:
>> Why is that obscure? It makes perfect sense - to those of us who have
>> used tape/serial storage! Perhaps less-so to [bobble-heads], sorry I
>> mean people who grew-up with 'bubble memory' (Memory sticks, 'flash
>> drives', SSDs). In point-of-fact, Python Context Managers
> Bubble memory, now there is a blast from the past...
More like a whimper...
Working with a bunch of younger folk (who may technically be of the age
of 'grand-children' - pardon me, I almost fell over my (long, grey)
beard), I am frequently the butt of their gentle, if ageist, jokes.
However, my sardonic amusement is to watch them wrestling with concepts
'we' readily recognise, perhaps from as long ago as mainframe-days.
A similar observation relates to technologies which have come-and-gone,
eg CCDs, and the bleeding-edge/crest-of-the-wave philosophies that it
may not be worth rushing into every new technology - because it may not
actually last the distance...
(Santayana's "Those who cannot remember [learn from] the past are
condemned to repeat it." - my addition in list-brackets*)
* which was added only to be able to make tenuous claim of relevance to
a Python discussion list!
Regards =dn