Peter J. Holzer wrote:
> songbird wrote:


  thank you for your reply.

> Almost all of these points don't seem to be related to the language, but
> to your environment.

  an application isn't useful unless it actually can
be deployed and used in an environment.

  the easier it is for me to stay within the language
itself using whatever modules and features it provides.
and more the the better because every time i have to 
go outside to investigate or debug other things that 
adds complexity and more points of failure and more 
issues that get in the way of me actually working on 
the program (it also interferes with my goals if i'm
having to deal with beaurocracy issues instead of
fixing bugs or learning Python better).

  at least these make sense:

  and this helps answer a lot of my questions that have been
hovering around:

>>   there must be a more local way to do the same thing but=20
> I do some of my Python development locally and and some remotely, but
> that's mostly because to me it doesn't make much difference (vim in a
> terminal works the same when I'm ssh'd into a server as when I work
> locally) and not having to replicate the environment is a plus for me.
> If my tools worked only locally, I could do all development locally.

  i'm always working on my local machine first and 
foremost.  i always need a quick method for testing 
the whole chain from code to install and running tests
that doesn't involve a large turn around in time.

  as an example, the program hugo which lets me
generate a static web site.  it is great that i can 
do all of my local development and testing without 
having to upload it to the web server and then 
when i finally do upload it and test it out it 
almost always works the same way and there isn't
a half hour delay between me finding out something
didn't work.

>> as of yet the develop option doesn't seem to work how i
>> would expect.
> What is "the develop option"? Again, it seems like you are talking about
> a specific environment, not Python the language.

   i hope my comments above are sufficient to get 
my points across about "environment".

  i use this command to put my project into a
local virtual environment:

(env)$ pip3 install -e $NGFP_SRC_HOME/ --no-cache-dir --force-reinstall

        -e,--editable <path/url>
              Install  a  project  in editable mode (i.e.  setuptools "develop
              mode") from a local project path or a VCS url.

  it doesn't seem to work how i expect, but that could be
my own bug someplace.  haven't tracked it down yet.

  i'm also trying to get back more to what my initial 
goals were with this project (to learn the language 
and to learn OOP concepts better).  when i can get back
to the code itself and whack it into better shape then
i'll feel a lot better.  i admit it is a mess now.


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