On 2019-01-04 02:04:14 -0500, songbird wrote:
> Rick Johnson wrote:
> > songbird wrote:
> >
> ...
> >> if you want to know the perspective of a new person 
> >> to the language and to help out make it better i have
> >> a few suggestions for where to spend your time in a
> >> way that will help out people a great deal.
> >
> > I'm listening...
>   i only get so many units of time to work on something.
> the more rabbit holes i need to go down to figure out
> a basic issue the less likely progress actually happens.
>   setting
> up your package to install to the right location(s).
>   platform, os, sys, pathlib, distro (looks like they need
> help).
>   a test of any change to the setup involves an upload
> which may take a half hour or more to show up, by then
> i can be interrupted and not get back to it for days.
>   finding out all the caches and how to verify they are 
> either in sync or if you should clear them and how.
>   i do have testers for Mac and Windows that can give me 
> feedback,

Almost all of these points don't seem to be related to the language, but
to your environment.

>   there must be a more local way to do the same thing but 

I do some of my Python development locally and and some remotely, but
that's mostly because to me it doesn't make much difference (vim in a
terminal works the same when I'm ssh'd into a server as when I work
locally) and not having to replicate the environment is a plus for me.
If my tools worked only locally, I could do all development locally.

> as of yet the develop option doesn't seem to work how i
> would expect.

What is "the develop option"? Again, it seems like you are talking about
a specific environment, not Python the language.


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