Jim Lee at 2018/6/17 PM 04:10 wrote:

On 06/17/2018 12:08 AM, Jach Fong wrote:
Python 3.4.4 (v3.4.4:737efcadf5a6, Dec 20 2015, 19:28:18) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> import tkinter as tk
>>> root = tk.Tk()
>>> tk.Label(root, text='label one', font='TkDefaultFont').pack()
>>> from tkinter import font
>>> font.nametofont('TkDefaultFont')
<tkinter.font.Font object at 0x021E9490>
>>> font.nametofont('TkDefaultFont')
<tkinter.font.Font object at 0x021E9390>

The "address" of the Font object 'TkDefaultFont' changes, why?

Best Regards,
Jach Fong

def nametofont(name):
     """Given the name of a tk named font, returns a Font representation.
     return Font(name=name, exists=True)

Every time you call nametofont(), you're creating a new instance of the Font class.

hmm... It means every time I set a widget's font to "TkDefaultFont", a new object was created. Why python do things this way? Can't it use
this same object again and again?


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