On 15/06/18 16:47, T Berger wrote:
On Friday, June 15, 2018 at 11:31:47 AM UTC-4, Alister wrote:
it certainly seems to be the source of most SPAM
as such some users of this list/newsgroup call it what you like block all
posts from google groups
But you don't think you get more replies to a question posted here than emailed
to the list? The forum and the email list are supposed to be different access
routes to the same content, but I don't find that to be the case. I replied to
a post via email, but my reply did not show up on this forum.
For the third and final time, just get a (semi-)decent email client/news
reader/whatever it's called, point it at news.gmane.org and read this
forum, hundreds of other python forums and thousands of other technical
forums with no problems at all. No cluttered inbox so no need to filter
anything. I happen to use thunderbird, there are umpteen other choices.
My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.
Mark Lawrence