On Fri, 15 Jun 2018, T Berger wrote:
I'm suspecting that posting to python google groups (this site) gets more responses than mailing to the python list. Am I correct? Also, contrary to what I read on the python list information sheet, what shows up in this forum does not match what comes into my inbox. I started a post here and then replied to a post from my inbox. That reply does not show up in this forum.
Tamara, That's not been my experiences. I subscribe to a few mail lists that are mirrored on googlegroups.com. My preference is to have messages pushed to me by the mail list manager rather than my using the browser to go to googlegroups and pull threads. YMMV. Anyway, I've not had any threads, including ones I start, not appear in my mail reader. I've not had a response posted to google groups that did not also appear in my mailbox. Perhaps your experience has something to do with your MUA. Regards, Rich -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list