On 30 March 2018 at 14:38, William Ray Wing <w...@mac.com> wrote: > Sumana, I want to be sure we aren’t just talking past each other. I notice > that the URL you seem to always reference is: > > https://pypi.org/search/ > > and if I go there, I get the filter list immediately. The place I don’t see > it is the home page: > > https://pypi.org/ > > where I’m invited to “Search” or “Browse”, but where there is no filter list. > The filter list only appears after I’ve performed my first search. > > Thanks, > Bill
That's the same behaviour as the existing PyPI. There's a "search" box on the main page, and a "Browse" link on that page that takes you to a separate page that lets you select packages by category. I don't see this as a problem with the new PyPI - far from it, I wouldn't want the main page cluttered with category filters, if I need then I'll go to the dedicated browse page. Just my 2p worth... Paul -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list