On Tue, 27 Feb 2018 10:56:18 -0700, Ian Kelly wrote:

> Cheaters are gonna cheat. In the unlikely event they don't get the
> answer here, they'll probably just manage to convince somebody to do the
> work for them somewhere else. Honestly, I don't know if it's even worth
> the bother to engage.

Its worth the bother for the 5% who aren't *intentionally* cheating, but 
don't realise it, and just need a reminder that they need to do the work 
themselves. (Or at least give co-credit to those they got help from.) Or 
those who aren't actually doing homework, but are engaged in self-

There has to be some penalty for cheating, even if its only the minuscule 
amount of social disapproval that comes from random strangers on the 
internet telling you off, or we'll be even more overloaded by cheaters 
than we already are.



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