On 05-Dec-2017, km wrote
(in article<mailman.56.1512535143.28471.python-l...@python.org>):

> I dont know how these students are selected into b tech stream in India.
> they are so dumb. All they know is a to open a program we need to double
> click it and it runs.- windoze legacy. most of the time they pay huge
> amount to a greedy college and get into tech stream.
> Now that Java boom (jobs) is over in India and python is booming in AI and
> machine learning these people want to learn python and get easy jobs
> (software coolies). pls dont even entertain such posts.
A friend who deals with outsource Indian developers told me something 
interesting. Apparently, the programmers are paid very poorly in India. 
Managers are paid much better. So the career path over there is to "pay your 
dues" writing code, then become a manager where you no longer have to write 
code. It means that all the product teams that are outsourced to India 
*always* get new, green people because as soon as they get any good, they 
become managers.

That explains a lot, doesn't it. It also means when your company lays off a 
lot of technical staff and outsources tech pubs, 1st line support, and 
development to India, the people left in the US are the "Tiger Team" to fix 
screw ups or major issues in a product release. Then they sell the company.

Another friend hired a programmer from India to develop a java-based web site 
to sell their product in the iOS App Store. He asked me to look at problems 
they were having with the site. I'm a sysadmin, not a java programmer, but I 
knew that you're not supposed to run a Tomcat web server as root. According 
to friends, you're not supposed to expose Tomcat to the internet at all. 
That's not what this developer did. It looked like it was a school project 
that he setup stuff but didn't know how it's done in production with security 
enabled. Nor could he deal with AWS.

It's a nightmare out there for people looking to get development done "on the 
cheap". The good people (e.g. the friends I asked for advice) are to busy to 
do such little projects to bother. So the market is left with Junior people 
in India making crap. It's not a question of them taking jobs away from U.S. 
developers. It's a question of the good ones already have work. Can we train 
Joe to setup Wordpress and secure it or write a Java Web site when all he's 
done before is manufacturing or worked in a grocery store.

Other groups aren't so nice to beginners - the perl group is brutal and tell 
a student to do their own homework. I'm just dipping my toe into python here 
and you guys more helpful. Mostly because there's so much possibility in 
python (compared to other scripting languages).


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