On Fri, Nov 24, 2017 at 7:38 AM, Mikhail V <mikhail...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I see you manually 'optimise' the look?
> I personally would end with something like this:
> def zip_longest(*A, **K):
>     value = K.get ('fillvalue')
>     count = len(a) - 1
>     def sentinel():
>         nonlocal count
>         if not count:
>             raise ZipExhausted
>         count -= 1
>         yield  value
>     fillers = repeat (value)
>     iterators = [chain (it, sentinel(), fillers) for it in A]
>     try:
>         while iterators:
>             yield tuple (map (next, iterators))
>     except ZipExhausted:
>         pass
> So I would say, my option would be something inbetween.
> Note that I tweaked it for proportional font, namely Times New Roman.

I don't see how the font applies here, but whatever. Which is better?
The one-letter names or the longer ones that tie in with what they're

Also, why do you have those loose spaces stuck in random places, eg
before some of the open parentheses but not others?


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