On 11/06/2017 05:59 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
On 2017-11-06, John Pote <johnp...@jptechnical.co.uk> wrote:

I have successfully used Python to perform unit and integration tests in
the past and I'd like to do the same for some C modules I'm working with
at work. There seem to be a number of ways of doing this but being busy
at work and home I looking for the approach with the least learning curve.

When I want to test C modules (usually destined for an embedded
system) using a Python framework, I use ctypes.


I'll second ctypes. It's pretty straightforward and I've made it do some very heavy lifting over the years. Cython is definitely more work. SWIG makes sense if you've got a huge number of interfaces you're trying to map and need to automate the process, but if you've got south of 20 I'd just do it natively with ctypes.

Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology -- www.highlandtechnology.com
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