On 07/11/2017 13:30, Thomas Jollans wrote:
On 2017-11-07 12:53, bartc wrote:
said that, I located pip.exe, trying typing 'pip install cffi' and it
seemed to be doing something but then failed with a bunch of errors.)

So you're missing out on all of PyPI? That's tragic. You should really
try to fix that. I'm sure people on this list will be happy to help if
you start a new thread with some details of what is happening on your

You've lost me. I had to look up pyPI and it's something to do with a Package Index. But I don't know how that relates to installing Cython.

The problem with pip was in Py3.4. I also have Py3.6, and that didn't have pip at all. Or it is something that itself needs to be installed first? Or is pyPI a new thing that replaces it?

I'm not a serious Python user so it's not worth the effort of going around in circles trying to get these things working. I remember how difficult it was to get Numpy going a couple of years back.

If it's already built-in, then fine, but if not, forget it. But for me it doesn't matter.



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