Thanks Ian,

>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Kelly <> writes:

    Ian> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Alberto Berti 
<> wrote:

    Ian> My initial reaction is: is this really worth it? This seems like an
    Ian> awful lot of code and added complexity in order to do away with two
    Ian> lines. It's a lot easier to reason about "return
    Ian> super().filter(element)" and verify that it does the right thing than
    Ian> for the complicated descriptor above.

yes this was also my conclusion, that descriptor is sitting on a branch
of its own and I've yet to decide on it.  The fact is that i've many
cases where I need a coperative superclass-subclass method execution and
I was trying to find some other pattern that would fit in ;-)


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