NOTE:   The case in question was never comparing to True;  it was comparing to

There is no "No: if x == None" below, because None is not Boolean.
Similarly comparing a pointer to NULL is not the same as comparing it to a

So I would favor the "Explicit is better than Implicit" in the example cited.

Roger Christman
Pennsylvania State University

On Sun, Oct 29, 2017, Setfan Ram wrote: >
<> writes:
>>I guess the following parts from "Zen of Python" apply to this case:
>  If we would agree to apply Python rules to C,
>  then we could also use this excerpt from PEP 8:
>|o Don't compare boolean values to True or False using ==.
>|Yes:   if greeting:
>|No:    if greeting == True:
>|Worse: if greeting is True:


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