i'm typing without thinking. Sorry. Let me try again.

I subscribed to python-list@python.org. That has 0 spam ( as far as i can
see), but i can only get a digest.
They do say the list and comp.python group are bidirectional, but - at comp
- tons of spam, there - none.

The google groups doesn't seemed to filter anything in the comp group. But
what you recommend is to access the group using regular email client and
use it's spam filtering . Did i get that right ?

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 12:19 AM, Andrew Z <form...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Michael, that's what i use too - gmail. But i get the digest only and
> can't really reply that way. i was hoping to get the mail.python.org
> list....
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 12:00 AM, Michael Torrie <torr...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 10/15/2017 08:50 PM, Andrew Z wrote:
>> > Gents,
>> >  how do i get this group in a newsreader? The digest i'm getting is not
>> > workable for me - i can't reply , can only read the replies from the
>> > members of the group. Or. maybe, it shouldn't be a news reader....
>> > please advise..
>> >
>> > P.S. Oh the comp.lang.python is a nightmare because of spam...
>> Regardless of what usenet reader you use, com.lang.python will have the
>> same spam everywhere.  So maybe reading via usenet isn't that useful
>> anyway.
>> I just subscribe to the mailing list and then have a rule in my email
>> filter to stick all list messages in their own folder (or gmail label).
>> I'm using gmail, so I just use gmail's filtering settings.  Then I view
>> email using IMAP and a conventional email reader that supports real
>> threading of messages.  Works great.  A lot of spam is filtered out this
>> way, also.  In fact very little spam gets through to my folder between
>> python.org's filtering and gmail's spam detection.
>> I'm subscribed to maybe a dozen email lists, and I filter all of them
>> into their own folders.
>> --
>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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