Steve D'Aprano wrote:
> Paul Rubin wrote:
> > Steve D'Aprano writes:
> > > Having to spend a few hours being paid to migrate code
> > > using "print x" to "print(x)", or even a few months, is
> > > not a life-changing experience.
> > 
> > Didn't someone further up the thread mention some company
> > that had spent 1.5 years porting a py2 codebase to py3?
> Its possible, but if so I missed it.  And did I mention one
> of the coders at the company I work, who decided to port
> our Python 2 code base to Python 3? He stayed behind one
> night after hours and did it in three hours. We've been
> talking about it for about two years.  What are we to make
> of anecdotes like these? Apart from the possibility that
> one, or the other, or both, is an exaggeration or lie[1]?

Your personal experience at one (small) company is hardly
relevant. And do you really expect this fine community to
belief, that Steven D'Aprano, yes, the man who's had a
hard-on for Python3 long before it was ever publically
released, has not been writing Python2.x code using
backported future feature for years? So why should this fine
community be surprised that your migration took roughly the
same amount of time that it took for Gilligan and his
cohorts to be stranded on an island? 

    Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
    a tale of a some fateful "schmit",
    that began with feature request,
    one that floated his tiny ship.
    The code monkey was a mighty patchin' man,
    the BDFL brave and sure,
    a handful of sycophants set sail that day,
    for a three hour tour,
    a three hour tour...
    The patching started getting rough,
    and compatibility would be lost.
    And if not for the courage of the fearless crew
    the erection would be lost.
    The erection would be lost...
    So this is the tale of our castaways,
    here for a long long time.
    They'll have to make the best of things,
    as evangelism is an uphill climb. :-(
    The first mate and his Skipper too,
    will do their very best,
    to make the others comf'terble,
    in their Python-ideas-island nest.
    No print statement, no rights, no tolerance,
    not a single luxury,
    like a north korean prison state
    it's as tyrannical as can be.
    So join us here each week my friends,
    you're sure to get a smile,
    from all the perverted castaways
    here on Python3's fantasy Isle!

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