On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 2:55 PM, Pavol Lisy <pavol.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
> BTW if python would only bring "from __cleverness__ import
> print_function" how many people would accept your reasons and use it?
> And how many would rewrite old code?
> How many people would say something like: "Oh it is cool! Now I could
> rewrite my old code and monkey patch print!" ?
Cool thing is that now that 'print' isn't a keyword, you can actually
write that as:

from cleverness import print

and put whatever functionality you like into cleverness.py. The only
thing you *can't* do that way is mess with syntax - and if you want to
prototype a change to syntax, you can play with MacroPy. So you can
actually publish something and ask people to try using it.


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