Stefan Ram wrote:
Just as Python's »string[::-1]« appears "obfuscated" to readers who don't know Python.
I understand string[::-1] after only studying python for a day or two (I've only been studying it for 2 weeks at this point). A student could study C++ for a semester or more and not encounter templates until they studied data structures. So in short, I don't believe that the example you chose from Python and the one you chose from C++, were at similar levels (not even close).
It was the answer to the question "How can I express the class I'm in in, when I can't write that classes name literally? So, »S« is »example«. It works like this: The type of »&f« is »void ( example::* )()«. So, the function-declaration template »T« infers »C« to be »example«, and the type of »T( &f )« is »example«, which then is transferred to the name »S« using typedef. This is obvious for C++ programmers, but it takes a lot of time to become a C++ programmer, maybe more than it takes to become a Python programmer.