Op 2005-08-22, Donn Cave schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Before leaving this topic, I wanted to make a rare visit
> to the ruins of Google's USENET archive and pull out this
> giant post on the subject of True and False, when they were
> being considered for adoption into Python.  There is some
> stuff to ignore, where she addresses questions that didn't
> go anywhere, but she goes on to write a well articulated
> case that makes very interesting reading, and possibly has
> had some effect on how people think about it around here.
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/msg/2de5e1c8384c0360

Well I guess she and I disagree here. I also don't understand some
of her arguments. e.g. about code like: "if var == True"

| Aaargh!
| I already see too much code like this.  It's mostly written by people
| who come from other languages.  They define their own True and False so
| they can do this.

I would argue that this would be bad code even in these other languages.
Heck when I was still a student and getting a course in PASCAL, people
with no programming experience whatsoever would write code like that
and PASCAL does have a real BOOLEAN type.

So where she gets the idea that "if var == True" is a symptom of a
language that has no real BOOLEAN type (as python now has IHO) is
beyond me.

Antoon Pardon

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