Op 2005-08-23, rafi schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> In that case you wouldn't return an empty sequence if you wanted
>> a false value in a sequence context but would throw an exception.
>> So this would be fine by me, I just don't understand how this
>> would support the use of empty sequences as false.
>> I also don't see how a read from a network connection returning
>> either:
>>   a bytestring    when data is available, 
>>   ''              when no data is available
>>   None            when the connection was closed
> I do not get why returning '' when no data is available? If no data is 
> available then nothing is returned, the function hangs. (Which is the 
> cas for receive)

Network connections can be configured to either block or return
immediatly when no data is available.

Antoon Pardon

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