42 wrote:
> Or is this a hopeless cause? 
> Finally, either way, would anyone recommend a different script engine 
> that might be more suitable for what I'm trying to accomplish that I 
> might not have looked at. I don't need much; it needs to work with C#, 
> and be able to easily interact with 'published' interface. I'd also like 
> to leverage a "popular" language instead of something obscure.

You need a scripting language that is completely implemented in .NET 
(i.e. "managed").  Try Boo: http://boo.codehaus.org/
And then from your C# host, use the .NET security API for restricting 
what the script is allowed to do.  See the example below, as well as 
msdn docs on SecurityPermissionFlag, PermissionSet, SetAppDomainPolicy...
And here are docs on using boo as an embedded scripting language:

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