justin walters wrote, on Thursday, May 18, 2017 8:09 AM
> To: python-list@python.org
> Subject: Re: Survey: improving the Python std lib docs
> So, args can be treated as a simple (named)? tuple or a 
> simple dictionary. `*` unpacks a list or tuple and `**` 
> unpacks a dictionary. I'm sure it's a lot more nuanced than 
> this, but for practical reasons, the above explanation has 
> never failed me.
> I hope I didn't miss the entire point of the thread. Someone 
> needed help with `**kwargs` right?

I think I was mainly the one who wasn't sure what "**kwargs" are, and
this, plus your examples I snipped, and bits and pieces I already knew,
neatly pulls it all together.

Think I have a good working idea of it now, so thanks!



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