On 10/02/17 21:15, Peter Pearson wrote:
On Fri, 10 Feb 2017 13:59:45 +0200, Amit Yaron <a...@phpandmore.net> wrote:
On 10/02/17 04:33, adam14711...@gmail.com wrote:

My computer programming professor challenged me to figure out a way
to manipulate my program to display one error message if the user
input is a zero or a negative number, and a separate error message if
the user input is a decimal number.  My program starts out:
The function int(str) raises the exception ValueError if the input
string does not represent an integer.


except ValueError e:
    print "Error: not an integer"

What should happen if the user types "1.0"?

To be flexible about this possibility, you could accept the number
as a float, and then complain if int(num) != num.

Another option:
Use 'float' instead of 'int'. and check using the method 'is_integer' of floating point numbers:

>>> 3.5.is_integer()
>>> 4.0.is_integer()


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