I was trying to write a function that will return me the unique number associated with each employee id.The command has the output in the below pattern
Linux-Box-1# employee_details ls List of names: 100910bd9 s7018 100d60003 s7019 110610bd3 s7020 100d60002 s7021 Linux-Box-1# employee_details ls | grep "s7020" | awk '{print $1}' 100d60003 It's a one liner in Shell :) I tried converting the same in the python style , Any better suggestion and loop holes in the below program def get_unique_number(str(emp_id)): """ Return the unique number associated with each employee id """ out, err, rc = run("employee_details ls", timeout=600) emp_unum="" if rc != 0: return False for line in out.split('\n'): if emp_id in line: emp_unum = line.split()[0] return emp_unum I am on Python 2.7 and Linux OS Regards, Ganesh -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list