PySide/PyQt On Windows I use Python 3.4 + PySide 1.2.4 (Qt 4.8). I have found this very reliable and use it for both my personal projects and for my commercial products. I don't use a GUI design tool but you could use Qt Designer to visually draw your GUI since PySide can read the .ui files it outputs.
Eventually PySide 2 will be available, and that will support Qt 5 (for what that's worth) and presumably Python 3.5+ (which I look forward to). Gtk/PyGObject/PyGI Windows is in no way a first class platform for this, so I wouldn't use it. (I wouldn't use it on any other platform either: I think the introspection idea is excellent and wish Qt had done it; but I personally really dislike the direction Gtk has gone in recent years.) Tkinter This is okay for many simple use cases. However, creating custom widgets in Tkinter is non-trivial to say the least (especially compared with say, PySide or wxPython), and there is no support for _editable_ styled text. (If someone can prove me wrong I'd be glad to know how to edit text in Tkinter and toggle bold, italic, underline, super- and sub-script, font family, font size, and color. I can do most of these - but not all, and haven't seen any other code that can do them all either. Note that I'm not talking here about syntax highlighting but rather word-processor-style styling.) wxPython I've heard some people say they use Python 3 + Phoenix successfully. On the plus side it uses the native widgets so has a native look and feel. But what I find frustrating is that there are many widgets with overlapping functionality so it isn't clear which one is the best to use. For Windows specifically, you could use This gives you access to the CLR so you should be able to use a lot of stuff you're familiar with from VB; some of which might even work on Linux with the Mono runtime. A completely different cross-platform approach is to use a web browser as the GUI toolkit. For example: + or There are other toolkits too, e.g., (but this has very little documentation) Or And there are more (e.g., libui, IUP, SDL2). Good luck! --