On Tue, 18 Oct 2016 00:58:42 +0200, pozz wrote:

> I'm sorry, I know it is a FAQ..., but I couldn't find a good answer.
> I'm learning python and I'd like to start creating GUI applications, 
> mainly for Windows OS. In the past, I wrote many applications in Visual 
> Basic 4: it was very fast and you could create simple but effective GUIs 
> in Windows in some minutes.
I am also learning Python so my experience is limited.  I have
tried pyGTK and Tkinter.  GTK's concept of the hbox and vbox
gave me of difficulty.  I couldn't get the GUI to look the way
I wanted.  OTOH, Tkinter offers a way to place widgets on a
window/frame in a precise way:  self.widget.place(x=#, y=#)
That is similar to VB's move statement.  GTK may have such a
feature but I was not able to find it.  Anyway, my choice based
on my limited experience is Tkinter.  Here is a good place to


This will give you several places to look for additional info...


<Wildman> GNU/Linux user #557453
The cow died so I don't need your bull!

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