Marko Rauhamaa wrote:
It is actually quite interesting how the brain forms an accurate idea of
a straight line and, say, a circle. Whenever you get a new pair of
glasses, the brain needs a recalibration and manages to do it within a

I had an interesting experience in that area a few years
ago. One of the entries in the PyWeek[1] game programming
competition was a platform game set on the inside of a
circular world. You saw a small part of the world at
a time side-on, with the ground curving up slightly
to the left and right.

After playing for a while, my brain must have trained
itself to see the curved ground as straight, because
when I looked away, all horizontal straight lines
looked like they were curved *downwards* slightly!

[1] A competition for Python-based games, so getting
a bit closer to being back on-topic.


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