On Mon, 05 Sep 2016 08:15:42 +0200, Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:

>> So Veek should be able to appease P.E. by calling himself 'Veek "David
>> Smith" M'.
> That would not help.  “Veek” might be (the transcription of) a given
> name or a family name, but “Veek M” is not a real name.  [Real name
> filter rules need to be adapted, though, because “O” is the
> transcription of an East Asian family name.]
How can you possible know that Veek M is not a reall name?
what rules for real names have you found that is 100% reliable
I suggest you read the following.

provided people always* refer to themselves the same way then they can be 
identified, continually changing name to hide ones identity is another 
issue & there are not many legitimate reasons to do so

*personally I don't even care about that.

Lawn mower blade in your fan need sharpening

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